Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo Beijing Show

Published on Aug 3, 2011

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo


Genre: Dance & Ballet

Dates: September 28-30, 2011

Venue: Mei Lanfang Grand Theatre

Prices: 120, 180, 280, 380, 480, 680, 880

Features: Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo is an all-male drag ballet corps, On Sep 28th to 30th, They will parodies the conventions and cliches of romantic and classical ballets for Beijing audience.


Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo was co-founded by Peter Anastos, Natch Taylor and Antony Bassae in the United States in 1974, as a group producing small, late-night shows, in off-off Broadway lofts. Their first show as on September 9, 1974, at a second story loft on 14th street, in the heart of the meat-packing district.

After receiving a favorable critical review in The New Yorker by Arlene Croce, it was discovered by a wider audience. The "Trocks" toured the world, with prolonged engagements in many major cities. In 2008 they performed at the Royal Variety Performance, in front of Prince Charles.

The dancers portray both male and female roles in a humorous style that combines parodies of ballet, posing and physical comedy with "straighter" pieces intended to show off the performers' technical skills. Much of the humor is in seeing male dancers en travesti; performing roles usually reserved to females, wearing tutus and dancing en pointe.

Tickets for Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo Beijing Show are Available now!



Booking From: Wednesday, Aug 03, 2011

Booking Until: Monday, Sep 26, 2011

Show Time: Sep 28-30, 2011 / 7:30pm

Running Time: 2 hours


  • 120
  • 180
  • 280
  • 380
  • 480
  • 680
  • 880

Prices are in RMB (“×” Sold Tickets), Include Booking Fees


Welcome to Inquiry or booking tickets of Beijing dance and ballet's events with sales@theatrebeijing.com . Booking information require: Name of events, Date, Tickets, Your Name and Mobile Phone. Details


Beijing Mei Lanfang Grand Theatre

Mei Lanfang Grand Theatre

32 Pinganlixi Street, Xicheng district
